CHEMeDATA Initiative

Main website of the CHEMeDATA umbrella organization


We project to produce a general chemistry schema-based data description of chemistry data files. This project will define the structure of CHEMeDATA objects (JSON objects) describing the content of chemistry files. Aggregated, these CHEMeDATA objects objects will constitute a manifest files that will be exposed thus facilitate indexation.

The CHEMeDATA-Schema formalism has three layers detailed below.

See also : ontologies (less up to date).

1 CHEMeDATA-Schema/Concepts

Schema for key chemical concepts called CHEMeDATA-Schema/Concepts:

Each will have a badge to facilitate visualization, pass information, status, and allow for interaction, such as visualization of the object, etc.

Substance DOI

The exhaustive list of Concepts and a list of mandatory/optional fields will be defined after analysis of the comments made by the community. See also : ontologies.

More details about the key concepts.


The types will specify the types of any general concept. For example, we can have different types of Sample. A Type exemplifies the concept of Sample. For example: a solution sample, a power sample, etc. are different Types of the concept of Sample.

Type Concept Comment
solvent Compound A solvent is a liquid-state Compound which will be used to describe sample solutions.
solution Sample A solvent is a liquid-state Compound which will be used to describe sample solutions, possibly including a MInChi
3D-structure Compound A 3D structure is about a Compound (even if it sounds a bit strange to call it a type). This object aims at mapping .mol/.sdf files with 3D structures and to be visualized with JSmol.
synthesis Equation This object aims at being a close map to RInChi.

2 Key Types

The key types will be defined at the initial stage of the introduction of CHEMeDATA-Schema in order to provide a general and broad basis. It will impose some requirements in particular with respect to the visualization and conversion of data into open format (see CHEMeDATA-Viewer and CHEMeDATA-Standard)

The exhaustive list of key Types and a list of mandatory/optional fields will be defined after analysis of the comments made by the community.

Examples of possible key types:

They will have badges



3 Derived Types

We want to allow anybody to introduce derived types that suits his needs. This will allow him to refine the description of the existing types. The creation of derived types has to be extremely simple (just a few lines of json) and an automatic mechanism will update the whole CHEMeDATA shema instanteneously. Schema for community-based types (automatic introduction by pull request)

Illustration of derivation

Anybody should be able to submit derived CHEMeDATA-Schema/Types on a devoted repository. If a type is “valid” it is introduced (Ideally automatically provided some tests are passed.). The pertinence is not judged (?), it is the responsability of the person who commits the data.

Example of a possible Derived types:



Comments and suggestions …

Examples of a key and derived type

Example of CHEMeDATA Object for a “Solution” type:

"CHEMeDATA_solution_sample" : [
 "solvent" : "water",
 "components": [{
  "ChemE-Compound" : "glucose",
  "ChemE-Concentration_mM" : 3.5

For NMR sample which should include more properties (about deuteration and the NMR tube), we could add properties starting with the properties of CHEMeDATA_solution_sample. We call this a derived object.

"CHEMeDATA_NMR_sample" : [
 "solvent" : "water",
 "deuterated" : "true",
 "deuteration-Level" : 99.9,
 "nmr-tube-diameter-mm" : 5.0,
 "components": [{
  "ChemE-Compound": "glucose",
  "ChemE-Concentration_mM": 3.5

The mechanism of schema definition will be based on More details will be provided uppon request!

Comments and suggestions would be much appreciated!