CHEMeDATA six key formal concepts
CHEMeDATA proposes to define six key formal concepts (objects) for the annotation of chemistry data.
(The html links are not active yet… see the bottom part of this page for more details.)
- 1 Substance
- 2 Chem. Equation formalize the transformation of reactants Substance(s) into products Substance(s)
- 3 Sample include Substances
- 4 Process transforms a Sample into another Sample. Reaction, extraction, purification, etc. are Process’s.
- 5 Analytical data provides information about a Sample
- 6 Assignment combines one (or a set of) Analytical data with properties of the other concepts.
Comments and suggestions are welcome!
The following is a draft
The objects found in a dataset are listed in a manifest file with metadata and properties. A selection of objects and key metadata and properties can be registered with the DOI of the data set using the datacite “subject” field to make them “Findable”.
- Substance
- Formula (XnYm)
- properties
- color code:
- Image / red (low quality - red - requires drawing the structure from the image)
- Ambiguous / orange (not clear which part of the file is relevant - requires curation)
- OK /green (has an inchi, inchikey….)
- Sample
- Types:
- (s) Solution sample : Simple solution with a single pure solvent
- (m) Solution sample in a mixture of solvents: Mixture of solvents
- (w) Water solution : for water solution with buffer, salt, etc.
- (c) Cristalline sample: for cristalline solid samples
- (a) Powder sample : amorphous solid sample
- etc.
- properties
- composition (Substances, quantity)
- MInChI
- etc.
- color code:
- No description / red
- OK / green
- loosely related:
- Types:
- Chem Equation
formalize the transformation of reactants Substance(s) into products Substance(s)
- Specify the cathegory of the reaction?
- Properties
- category (name…)
- reactants (Substance, stochiometry)
- products (Substance, stochiometry)
- conditions (…)
- Rinchi
- Color code:
- No equation or image/ red
- Ambiguous / orange (not clear which part of the file is relevant - requires curation)
- OK / green (has an Rinchi, inchi of reactant…)
- Specify the cathegory of the reaction?
- Process transforms a Sample into another Sample
- categories
- Chromoatography (HPLC, etc.)
- Purification? (Recristallisation, etc.)
- Reaction (RInChi),
- Plant extraction?
- etc. to be worked on!
- Properties
- Category (name…)
- Conditions
- Initial Sample
- Final Sample
- Chem Equation (for reactions only)
- categories
- Analysis provides information about a Sample
- Assignment combines one (or a set of) Analysis with one (or more) property of the other 5 object types
- IR
- Ms ? categories…
- etc.
- color code for assignmentNMRspectra:
- no spectral analysis / orange (no peak picking, no extraction of chemical shifts…)
- OK / green (OK has assignmentNMRdata)
- color code for assignmentNMRdata:
- No assignement / orange (has list of peaks otherwise would not exists, but no assignment of peaks to part of the substance)
- OK / green (has assignement of all reasonably assignable peaks)
- Validation / gold (has validation)
Goal 1: Provide a linked-data consolidation of the CHEMeDATA format
Move from the NMR-only assignment format of the NMReDATA initiative (based on .sdf files) towards linked data.
Goal 2: Provide a linked-data to identify chemistry objects in archive files
Exported OWLDoc can be found in the chemedata/playground folder.
Diverging implementation
Please contact us (post issue) if you are interested.